
Thursday, June 26, 2014

6/23/14 | Buckets of Rain

It's been another fantastic week in little Haiti!  We have seen so many blessings and miracles happen.  

First miracle was that we got fed by Haitians 2 days in a row and both times they made grio and bannann peze!  That was amazing. But the biggest miracle/blessing that happened this week was being able to go to the Temple on Friday.  It was an amazing experience and a blessing to be able to feel the Spirit so strongly and to remember the covenants made in the Temple. We got to talk with Pres and Sis Anderson afterwards, they leave this week and we get a new president (President Richardson) this weekend.  He's from St. George. 

Other than that, we have been blessed to find a lot of people this week.  We got 18 new investigators again.  We really worked on applying the principle of "find when you teach, teach when you find" and we have been greatly blessed to find so many amazing people.  Unfortunately, not a single one of them came to church yesterday.  But on the bright side, we have a lot of possible baptisms for July 6th.  

Our most solid investigator, Dylan, the one who was watching BYUTV and reading the BOM, was out of town for the last 2 sundays due to family situations, but he is back now so he will be baptized this Sunday!  He had to go to his great-grandpas funeral last week and he found out that he was a bishop and a member his whole life, but Dylan's dad had kept him away because he didn't want to be a Mormon.  It was really sweet, Dylans great-grandpa got to talk to him right before he died and Dylan told him he was going to be baptized, his great-grandpas eyes lit up and he exclaimed how happy he was and that Dylan was his last and greatest blessing, and that he would die happy knowing that someone in his posterity would become a Mormon.  So he is now determined to be baptized!  He is amazing and it's amazing to be able to see how the Lord works.

Also since Hurricane season started last week it has rained EVERY DAY.  And when it rains, it comes down hard!   the amount of rain we get here daily is probably the equivalent of the amount of rain Arizona gets in a year.  So most days we end up pretty wet, there was one day in particular that it was raining extremely hard and usually it stops after 30 minutes to an hour, but today it wanted to keep raining, and it was during the time we appointed to knocking doors.  So we went out and started knocking and within 15 seconds of leaving the car we were drenched!  But it allowed us to be able to talk to more people because they had pity on us:)  And along with the rain we have the craziest thunder storms almost daily as well.  During that particularly heavy rainfall day, there was an extreme amount of thunder as well, one time the thunder was so loud it set the car alarms off in the neighborhood we were in. Florida summers are awesome:)

And it's high mango season right now and people have a surplus of fresh mangoes, and they don't know what to do with them.  So they give them to us:)  Mangoes are the nectar of the gods, so we get a heavenly treat every day:)
That was my week in little Haiti in a nutshell, I love you guys!
Elder Spencer Bailey

Pic #1 grio, bannann peze and hatian rice
Pic #2 me and Elder Senatus at the Temple (no he's not my comp, I wish though)

Beautiful Florida Sunset


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