
Monday, June 16, 2014

6/16/14 | Raining Miracles for Days

Dear Family,
This week has been the most amazing miracle week I've ever had!  Shelly and Claricia got confirmed and our investigator Dylan's baptism had to be post-poned until next week because his Grandma, who is anti, found out what time his baptism was and scheduled a surprise trip to Miami right at that time.  But he will definitely be baptized this Sunday.

 One of the many miracles was the miracle of faith.  On Wednesday we didn't have hardly anyone to teach and we found out that our most solid investigator had to wait a week to be baptized.  We allowed our faith to drop and we became a little discouraged.  During weekly planning on Thursday we decided that we wanted to change how our area was and we wanted to find people.  We had faith that we would find and we believed that the rest of the week would turn out. 

 The biggest miracle was on Sunday when we had 4 people come to church by no efforts of our own, they felt like they should come to church, so they did!  We didn't have a baptism, so we had more time to work, so we went out to find some LA's.  We tried the first one and she wasn't home so we taught her cousins and they want to be baptized. Then we tried the second LA and he had his friends over so we taught them as well and they want to be baptized too!  It was a miracle Sunday!  We ended up getting 10 new investigators just yesterday!  We had miracles happening all over the place!  

Also it rained just about every day this week, and there was a ton of lightning and thunder.  Florida has the most lightning related accidents in the nation and the most lightning strikes here than any other state.  So when there's lightning, there's A LOT of it.  I was on an exchange with Elder Burgoyne, he also lives in our apartment, and we got caught in this huge thunderstorm. Just to give you an idea of how much ran comes down we were literally 10 feet from the car when the rain started and by the time we ran to the car we were soaked.  We drove to our next appointment and the whole time we could barely see 10 feet in front of us, it was crazy!  When we got to our investigators house we realized that there wasn't a man home, so we taught the lesson on her porch while this storm is going on.  It was epic, while we were teaching lightning was striking this field 50 yards from us.  The lesson was really good though, we were teaching this Haitian lady, Mimi.  We taught the Restoration and she kept trying to prove us wrong, so we relied on pure, simple testimony.  Elder Burgoyne and I each bore our testimonies and you could see a definite change on her countenance and she accepted to pray and ask God if all of this was true.  We will follow-up with that when we see here this week.    And then after the storm leaves the humidity index goes up to 110%, so once youre wet, you stay wet.  Florida weather is just peachy.  

Well, I'm just about out of time now, but this week was amazing! And Happy Fathers day yesterday to the best Dad in the world!  
Elder Spencer Bailey

p.s Alyssa, that Haitian family you are meeting with, have they spoken Creole to you yet? and have they fed you Grio? If not ask them to make you Grio, Bannann Peze and Pik Leaves.  And say "Eske ou fè grio?" then say "Mwem reme manje grio, bannann peze, e pik leaves."  They'll get a kick out of that, and hopefully make you some.  

This pool is inside a members home, pretty legit!

This sweet wall wefound this wall while harvesting in the ghetto:


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