
Monday, April 6, 2015


Hey family!
This week was one of the busiest weeks of my mission! It was great!  Little breakdown: 
Monday- 2 Baptismal interviews after pday
Tuesday- 2 District trainings, then 2 baptisms that night
Wed- moved all day into a new apartment
Thurs- MLC with the head of proselyting, lasted 6 hours
Friday- Exchanges, 
Sat and Sun- General Conference, which was awesome!
 we were greatly blessed during the little amount of time we had to work in our own area.  Tasiea was baptized on Tuesday!!! The drought is over and we have 2 more extremely solid investigators being baptized in April!  We also had an amazing media referral miracle.

We called one of the referrals we received, Loie, on Tuesday and he was very anxious to visit with us.  We met with him on Thursday and he is so elect! He recently was divorced after 50 years of marriage and moved back down here just last week.  His sister and bro-in-law are members of the church but they never talked about the Church until the last few weeks when all these trials were happening in Loie's life.  He became very interested in what the Church was all about so he went to the website and referred himself for us to come over and tell him about the Church.  We started off by setting strong expectations that our purpose was to help him grow closer to Jesus Christ and to increase his faith through baptism.  We did H2BT and invited the Spirit.  He asked the question, "you keep bringing up baptism, I've been baptized before in the Lutheran church, but they let me down years ago.  So, if I want to receive these blessings and this happiness you're talking about, do I need to be baptized again?" We replied yes and that we would be there every step of the way.  We went into teaching the Restoration with the pamphlets just the way we learned earlier that day at MLC and it worked great!  He understood it all and owned his own date by saying, "What more do I need to do so that I can be baptized on the 25th?"  We re-established expectations and he came to Conference on Saturday and can't wait for the 25th!! 

I have just a little thought I learned from my studies.  I was reading in 3 Nephi and in chapter 18 verse 7 it reads, "If ye do always remember me ye shall have my spirit to be with you." this phrase is repeated a few verses later.  I know that as we remember Christ throughout the day we will receive the Spirit to be with us and to give us power and authority because this is His work!

Not much else happened this past week, It flew by!  Love you all, have a great week!

Elder Spencer Bailey


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