
Monday, April 20, 2015

4/20/15 | "Tight like unto a dish"

Hey Family!
We worked real hard this week to find and work effectively in our area. It payed off! we baptized Eveline on Saturday and she is such a solid RC and will greatly bless the Hollywood Ward.  I never knew how exhausted you can get and still somehow keep working, I've become pretty good friends with Mt. Dew Kick starts:)  Also totally forgot that 2 weeks ago we did a zone training, it was a lot of fun to plan with Elder Hayward.  We created this idea to make a Zone Leader meal calendar and have companionships sign up to bring snacks to District trainings, we didn't think it would actually work, but it's turned out to be quite successful:)  

Yesterday we had a huge miracle! We are working with the niece and nephew of a member and we rounded them up yesterday and they brought both of their parents to Church!  We talked with them and they said they were both interested in learning more about the Church and wanted to be baptized!  They have visited the church in Haiti many times with family but never got around to being baptized.  Miracles!

Today I was studying in Ether when they are setting out in their homemade barges.  I was curious of what the word "tight" meant so I looked up the definition and it means "made to keep water or air out or in."  The phrase "tight like unto a dish" makes  a lot more sense now.  The Jaredite barges were blown across the ocean and "they were many times buried in the depths of the sea, because of the mountain waves... when they were buried in the deep there was no water that could hurt them, their vessels being tight like unto a dish."
I made some comparisons with us and this story.
Our bodies are like the barges.  The lights/stones in the barges are like the light of Christ which is in each of us.  The winds/waves are like challenges or trials or temptations that we pass through.  
We need to be "tight like unto a dish" so that when Satan attacks us or when we go through trials or challenges "[they] will have no power over you to drag you down to the gulf of misery and endless wo" (Hel. 5:12).  Whenever we give into temptation or trials we get cracks in the barges which allows water to enter or guilt and shame.  Once the barge fills up, it sinks.  The way to combat this is to "[commend] [ourselves] unto God."  Just as God always brought the barges out of the depth of the sea, He can bring us up out of despair and help us get through trials that come our way.  

Cant think of anything else that happened this week. Time flies by so fast!! It's been a lot of fun being in this area with Elder Hayward, we get along great so it's been fun!
Love you all!
Elder Spencer Bailey

heres a pic of mah zone!!!


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