Dear Family!!
This week was crazy! It was cloudy and "cold" for a few days and then it warmed up but stayed cloudy, it was the longest elongated time that I haven't seen the sun in over a year! Also we had a specialized training and we finally got to see "Meet the Mormons"! It's a super good movie! We also go to see the new Christmas video that the Church made to be like the Easter one, "Because of Him." For Christmas they are starting a new launch called, "He is the Gift". For New Years week they are posting an ad on the huge Billboard on Times Square! It's going to be awesome! The video isn't released until Dec.1, so get excited! Also I was talking with President during lunch and he told me that they are opening a Portuguese branch sometime in December, so he assigned me to learn Portuguese ... this will be a fun challenge:)
This week has taught us a lot as a district. I'm reminded of the scripture in Job 23:10 when he says, "when he hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold." This past week I feel like the Lord was trying us to see how we would react next week, to see if we come out as Gold or if we come out as Bronze. We will choose to come out as Gold!
This past week we saw a huge miracle! It started on Sunday when a Brazilian member decided to invite her step-sister, Priscila, to attend service with us. She came and we set up a return appointment with her and visited with her 3 times this past week and had members with us each time and had some amazing lessons. She went from not even knowing much about baptism to wanting to be baptized this Sunday! Priscila was telling us how the messages we shared answered so many of her questions and made life make a lot more sense. She is really prepared and truly desires to be cleansed and grow closer to Christ.
I was studying in the end of Mormon today and I love chapters 7-9. It's when Mormon and Moroni each bear testimony of the power of the Book of Mormon in conversion. There is so much to take out of those chapters because they are true sincere testimony and as I was reading through those chapters my testimony was strengthened that this work is true! I love how in Mormon chapter 9:21 Moroni tells us to pray "doubting nothing" and God will answer our prayers. It went along with a talk I read called, "Approaching the Throne of God with Confidence" in it Elder Klebingat tells us that we can't allow ourselves to have any self-doubt because if chisels away at our faith. I've been working on praying with real intent and with faith and not allow fear or self-doubt enter my heart. As we apply this, this upcoming week, we will see miracles and we will be able to baptize our investigators on Sunday!
It's been a very good week overall! I hope you have a great Thanksgiving! I love you guys!
Elder Spencer Bailey
actually the new christmas video is out! go to and watch it!
Monday, November 24, 2014
Monday, November 17, 2014
11/17/14 | 4 Minutes
Dear Family!!
First off I am so excited to be in Boca Raton! It's been an awesome week! I'm with Elder Mota now, he's halfway through training, so I'll be finishing his training and he's Brazilian but lived in London for half his life! We've been getting along really well and have been getting a lot of work done. We live in a house now, the first one I've ever lived in on my mission, it's been really weird having so much open space, we even have a backyard with an avocado tree! Also I'm serving as DL now, and that's been a really good growing experience, I realized I need to rely a lot more on the Lord and on the Spirit. Elder Ruiz and Rice are the other elders in the District, yeah it's just the four of us. The Member work is pretty good here, there is a lady in the ward who makes sure we get fed almost everyday by members!! Hopefully I'll be able to put on weight in this area:) It was a crazy week! Tuesday we had District training, Wednesday-exchange with the ZL's, Thursdayweekly planning, Friday-full day to work, Saturday-exchange with the other elders, Sunday-Church then the other elders baptism. But we still saw a lot of miracles as we went out and worked hard.
The first miracle was on Friday. At district training I left the commitment to OYM at least 20 times each day. Elder Mota and I made sure we talked to EVERYONE we saw. As we did that we met a lot of awesome people. While biking on Friday we were on our way to drop in and see a member when we saw this lady getting out of her car with a baby, so we stopped and asked if we could help out with anything, like bringing in the groceries, but she didn't need any help so we asked if we could share a prayer with her. She, Tatyana, accepted and we left the Harvest Blessing and she felt the Spirit super strongly, so we testified that Christ truly had sent us to cross paths with her and she knew that was true because she was saying how she had stopped attending church 2 weeks ago and has lost direction in her life. She's 19 with a 1 year old son so she's had a lot of pressure to show the world that she can make it through and be successful. We testified how the gospel of Jesus Christ can help her do that and that this truly is His church, we then taught a 5 minute restoration lesson and invited her to be baptized. She accepted and said this is exactly what she needed at exactly the right time! It was amazing to see how God works, if we hadn't been working on OYM'ing we would have biked right past her! It strengthened our testimony that God has commanded us to open our mouths for a reason and that He will bless us when we do.
This week I was studying for District training and felt prompted from the Spirit to study urgency. It seems like there was a lack of urgency last transfer in this district, so I want to change that. I was really struggling to make a training on urgency so I prayed and instantly the talk, "Your 4 minutes" came to mind so I studied that talk and received so much insight and revelation on how to help this district have more urgency to help our investigators progress and to be baptized. I was looking in the Book of Mormon at the examples of Ammon and Alma and how they were so quick and urgent to preach the gospel at all times; Ammon when he was amongst the Lamanites jumped on the perfect opportunity to preach the gospel to Lamoni without delay; Alma always preached repentance and exhorted his brethren to not delay the day of their repentance. It's been a really good study this week!
I'm out of time, but I love you guys lots and hope you have a fantastic week!
Elder Spencer Bailey
Oh yeah, happy Birthday Jenna this weekend! Ill be sending you a card this week,
And Happy bday Austin, last weekend, I'll be sending you a card today as well
My new comp and I |
The front of our house |
Monday, November 10, 2014
11/10/14 | Just another day in paradise
Dear Family!
Wow, this week was crazy! Elder Garrett got sent home Wednesday morning because of his depression, so I got stuck with the other elders I live with so we were in charge of 2 areas for a few days. Also we have transfers tomorrow and I'll be transferring:( Super sad about that, the member work here has skyrocketed since I came here 4 months ago. The members came to trust and love the missionaries, like yesterday a couple came up to us and told us they were pregnant and that we were the first to know because Elder D'Addabbo and I had gone over there about 3 months ago and they wanted us to pray that they could become pregnant, so they wanted to thank us for doing that. I was super happy for them, theyre an awesome couple (they remind me alot of Jenna and Mike).
As well yesterday after sacrament, Bro. Poetz came up to us and asked if we could teach the Restoration during High Priests and talk about missionary member work. The other elders had to be at sacrament, so I went on a split with my friend Elder Houskeeper (he's a senior couple in our ward) and we taught the Restoration to the High Priests and they loved it so much they told the Seminary teacher and asked us to go to early morning seminary and teach it today. So we woke up at 5:15 and went and taught the restoration to them. It was awesome! I respect kids that go to early morning seminary now, just like alyssa was saying a couple weeks ago.
One miracle that we saw this past week was being able to cover both areas as a trio. As we worked diligently each day to work effectively things just worked out. We were able to see a lot of people and teach a lot of people in both areas. We really applied Zone training and we had some of the most spiritual lessons I've ever had on my mission. We saw hearts change and things start to click in investigators minds as we applied being bold and loving and teaching by the Spirit. It was amazing to see the Lord's hand in the work!
This week I was studying in Helaman and noticed a scripture I hadn't noticed before. In Helaman 14:12 Samuel says that God gives signs unto the children of men so that they "might believe on His name." It all kind of clicked as I read that. I always thought it was weird that we had so many signs, like the signs of His second coming and wondered why all the Prophets had given us signs to look for. As I read that it all made sense. God gives signs so that we can believe. If the Nephites didn't have the signs of the Saviors birth, they wouldn't have been able to exercise faith in Christ. If we didn't have signs of His second coming, we wouldn't know what to look for and how to prepare. That's why God has given us signs. I don't know how much of this made sense, it was just a cool thing I found while studying.
But I have to go now, really short on time. I love you guys lots and hope you have a great week!
Elder Spencer Bailey
Monday, November 3, 2014
11/3/14 | "Change the Game, Don't let the Game Change you!"
Dear Family!!
What a week it has been! it's been from helping my comp who had a complete breakdown to having one of the most spiritual experiences of my mission! This week has been crazy! But when weeks like this happen, the most growth happens too. I won't go into detail about my comp, I'll just say he's battling super hard with depression and a bunch of other stuff, but on the bright side thanks to advice from Brother Oaks, we are going to beat his depression!
Real quick since I ran out of time. We had a awesome lesson with Judith (yes i've been teaching her for over 2 months now) at the Temple, we were able to go inside to the waiting room and we look on the wall and " The Family" and "The Living Christ" are posted on the wall, so we had her read them and the Spirit came in SOOOO strong!!! I invited her to pray and ask God if this Church true and if she should be baptized. She prayed and again the Spirit was sooo strong and we invited her to be baptized for the billionth time and she said, "I believe this Church is true, however if I didn't already have my church I would've been baptized into Jesus Christ's church months ago." What?!?! She admitted that this is Jesus Christ's Church yet she didn't want to be baptized. she said she still needs time, which is perfectly fine but totally hardened her heart to the Spirit. Good news though, I don't give up, so we have an FHE with her tonight with the 2nd Counselor of the Stake Presidency and his family tonight. She knows it's true, she just needs to get over her concerns and get baptized. she will open her heart to the Spirit one of these days and the Spirit will convert her, no doubt about that.
Another great miracle occurred just last night. We got a referral from the Hollywood sisters and went over last week and found the referrals sister, Fatima, so we said a prayer with her and she loved it and accepted baptism. We came back the next day and found the actual referral, Francis and continued where the sisters left off. She wanted to be baptized and was really interested in the Church, so we taught the Restoration and she loved it! As a district we have been really working on being innovative and trying new things, that day we decided to hand out "For the Strength of Youth" pamphlets, so we gave Francis one and she really liked it and said it will help her out a lot. We went by yesterday to see Fatima and Francis since they didn't come to Church, but we met the Mom and found out they had been called into work last minute Sunday morning. The Mom had just gotten home for a quick lunch break from work so we caught her at just the right time. We shared a prayer with her and informed her that we were helping Fatima and Francis to prepare for baptism, we also gave her a "For the Strength of Youth" pamphlet and she loved that and gave permission for us to continue teaching her daughters and that she would support them. This all occurred after she read through the table of contents and saw what the Church had standards for. It would've been a lot different if we hadn't been thinking creatively. It was amazing! This week we will continue to be innovative and think of new things to try, we saw so many other miracles from handing out "Word of Wisdom" pamphlets and other material that isn't frequently used.
I was studying in the war chapters in Alma this past week and was really focusing on becoming a creator of circumstance rather than a creature of circumstance, hence the email title, choose to act, not be acted upon. In Alma 46:8 it shows an excellent example of the Nephites being acted upon by the flatteries of Amalikiah. Moroni on the other hand was a creator of circumstance, he creates the "Title of Liberty" and helps others covenant to fight for the cause of Christians or in other words to be creators of circumstance and to act. Shortly after, Amalikiah is preparing the Lamanites for battle, whereas Moroni is "preparing the minds of the people". The mind has so much power! There is a quote Dad shared with me a few weeks ago that goes along with this, "THINK(leads to what we) DO (leads to what we) BECOME." That's exactly what Moroni was doing, he was preparing the minds of the people to think, then to act and then to become the people God wanted them to be. When we control the mind, we control ourselves and Satan doesn't have power to do whatever he pleases with us.
quick little story, on Halloween during lunch we decided to go get pumpkins to carve because we had to be home at 7pm. so we go out and cant find any pumpkins, finally our lunch was about over and we stop by a Winn-Dixie and find some pumpkins! but they were only about 5 inches big, but hey we still got to carve pumpkins:)
I love you lots and hope you have a great week!
elder Spencer Bailey
the Temple the other night |
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