
Monday, April 28, 2014

4/28/14 | Fox Holes, Snowballs, and lots of Sweat

Hey family!
What an amazing week this has been!  We found a lot of amazing people this week that we are teaching.  

First miracle:
The other night we were deciding where to harvest and we both felt really good about checking out this apt complex that we had never thought about checking before.  We went and checked it out and felt really good about it so we started harvesting.  We met a few people here and there that listened to us and after about 50 minutes we were about finished with this apartment complex.  We knocked another door and this lady answered and she gladly accepted a prayer.  When we invited her to be baptized she responded, "well, I don't see why not!"  And she really wanted to come to church.  she was so elect!  It reminded me of the scripture that says something like, "the elect will hear my voice and not turn away" she listened and was so prepared to hear the gospel.  She was unable to come to church, but she will be coming to our Book of Mormon study club at the church on Wednesday and she will be baptized on the 18th!

Funny Story:  Elder Duncan and I were on an exchange on Friday and we had a member meal with the nicest old lady on this side of the Mississippi.  She makes really good food and a lot of it.  Usually she lets us take it home, but on this particular day she didn't want any leftovers(probably because we keep forgetting to bring her tupper-ware back, oops)  She made a lot of meat loaf and mashed potatoes and rolls and carrots and green beans.  we each get a fair amount of food and finish our first plate and our second.  then there is still more and we are both about to explode!  Then we see this old dog named Snowball come around the corner, and we urged him to come over.  as we were talking to the member we kept slipping pieces of meatloaf to the dog.  Thankfully Snowball was really hungry because he ate ALOT of meatloaf and the member was oblivious to all of this.

I also met some of the craziest people in the world last week.  We were teaching them the Restoration and one of the guys piped up and said, "you know what they say?" my comp and I looked at each other super confused and replied "what do they say?" (still not sure who 'they' are) and he replied, "well, they say that there ain't no atheists in foxholes."  we replied, "wow, we didn't know that.  Learn something new every day!" then we continued on with the lesson.  Just a taste of the crazies we  deal with on the daily.

We also went over to teach some Recent converts and they were super upset over something. the wife yelled at us for about 5 minutes or so and then stormed out, we didn't take any offense because it wasn't directed at us, she was super stressed with her week and let it out.  We talked with the husband and she later came back and joined us and apologized for her actions.  then I felt prompted to share a lesson about charity with her.  Just that morning I had done a study on charity so all these scriptures came back to my mind.  I shared Moroni 7:45-48 with them and taught what Charity is and then we read Alma 7:11, it's about Jesus Christ and it shows what the pure love of Christ is.  After we bore testimony about Charity and committed them to do as Moroni 7:48 says to do we felt the Spirit enter the house very strongly.  There was a complete countenance change on the couple and it felt so peaceful inside the home, when minutes before it felt terrible.  The Spirit is very powerful and I have a firm testimony now that it will bring knowledge back to our memory.

Well, it's been an amazing week full of awesome and crazy experiences! 
I love you guys!  
Elder Spencer Bailey

ps we also went fishing again this morning with Jimmy.  


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