
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

1/28/14 | Bailey Rd. and Woodard Ln. And Goodbye Coconut Creek

I am in awe right now, this past week the biggest miracle of my mission occurred.  So I'll jump right into it.  So you know that Indian Family I told you about last week that we found Monday night?  This is where the miracles occurred.  First off, they aren't Indian, they are from Trinidad.  Secondly, it's not just them, but they have 2 kids! Thirdly to avoid confusion I will call the couple Austin and Emma.  Elder Woodard and I had been praying specifically for 2 weeks to find a family of 4 and God blessed us and answered our prayers.  Last Saturday Austin and Emma prayed and asked God to send something or someone in their life to show them the path that they should take.  They had been considering baptism for a long while so they asked God about that too.  

On Sunday they went looking for houses (I'll get back to this in a second.)  On Monday Elder Woodard and I knock on their door looking for a less active but turn it into an opportunity to share the gospel by asking if we could pray with them.  Later they told us that they NEVER let anyone into their home but they felt prompted to let us in and pray.  Well you know what happened after that.  On Thursday we meet with them again, and they tell us this story.  On Sunday while looking for houses they prayed to know which streets to go to.  It turns out that in Tamrac there are two roads with the names of Bailey rd. and Woodard ln.  Emma felt prompted to look for houses on those two streets and thought it was interesting because she had NEVER before looked on streets with names, just with numbers.  When we showed up on Monday she noticed are names, Bailey and Woodard, and she knew that God had sent us to them.  

Long story short they came to Stake Conference on Sunday, (speaking of which, Elder Nelson, Elder Gay, Sister McConkie and Elder Kopischke spoke to us) and it was amazing!  Austin is a very spiritual man and was in tears after the conference.  They want to be baptized SO bad but they have to get some things in order before it can happen, so it'll be a while and I'll be long gone but I firmly believe that God is preparing people, the "elect", and he will guide us to them!

Another miracle occurred on Thursday. A member let us know that he found a less active from Utah who was looking for the Church and her son, 10 years old, was not baptized and wanted to be.  We went over Friday and Saturday, and taught the Restoration and the commandments and went through the baptismal questions. Then we called President to see if we could get him baptized without going to Church twice since he had gone to Church his whole life except once they moved out here.  President gave us the OK to get him baptized and well,  WE ARE BAPTIZING HIM TONIGHT!!!  It is the last night of the transfer, last day Elder Woodard and I will be companions and we have been praying for a miracle baptism and we have worked our tails off to get a baptism these last 6 weeks, seriously though, i've never rode my bike so hard, got tangled in so many spider webs or worked so hard in my life!  The Lord has greatly blessed us with this miracle baptism and we are very humbled and grateful that the Lord has blessed us.

Ohhhh yeah, I'm transferring tomorrow! Elder Woodard is staying behind and training!  I'm pretty excited to go somewhere new, yet sad because I loved the Ward here.  And you know how people always say that you find out what you want to do with the rest of your life while on your mission? Well, I found out last week that I'm going to go intern at Nike when I get home and they will like me so much they will give me the company and I will be the owner of Nike.  (Don't worry I've thought this through and it'll happen;)  But stuff like this happens, this guy in the ward worked as a Limo driver for this Limo company and the owner was retiring and liked him so he gave him the company.  Go big or go home right?  Well that's about all that happened this week, it was a super fun week since Elder Woodard and I get along very well and we had a lot of fun!  
Love you all!
Elder Spencer Bailey


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