
Monday, April 13, 2015

4/13/15 | Don't mess with Canada

Heyo Family!!
This week was exhausting but it was a great week!  We took our investigator Evelyn to the Temple on Thursday night and it was an incredible experience, she's being baptized on Saturday!  We worked really hard to find the elect and struggled through the second half of the week but were greatly blessed last night.

Miracle: We went up to a random member at church that we wanted to get to know better and asked him if we could stop by later to share a message with his family. He agreed so we went over that afternoon and got to know him. (turns out he's a professional volleyball player from Haiti, but that's besides the point) It turned out that his non-member niece and nephew were over, David and Queen (both age 14), so we got to know them too by throwing in some H2BT.  We taught the Resto using the new pamphlet teaching style and they understood it perfectly. When we were teaching about the authority being restored, they asked if they could be baptized by that authority, it was awesome! We have them set for the 2nd of May! God works in mysterious ways!

That ties into what I studied.  I read in 3 Nephi 21:10, "my wisdom is greater than the cunning of the devil." With God on our side we can outwit the devil and avoid or withstand temptation and sin.  We've been working on helping our investigators understand this so that they will rely on God and not let the devil anti them.  God will always win!

Had a crazy experience the other night.  We live in a 4-man apartment and are always pulling pranks on the other guys.  One is  a short Filipino named Elder Rubio the other is a stereotypical Canadian, Elder Keith whos been out for 3 weeks.  Most of our pranks have been aimed at Elder Rubio because he's fun to tease and because we arent sure how Elder Keith would react. The other night after we finished praying, we had the brilliant idea to go bombard elder rubio with pillows.  We stealthily snuck into their room then got jumped by an angry canadian, his fists were swinging and everything! We ran back to our room pretty quick.  
Canada 1   America 0

On the flip side, we had a dozen confetti eggs that mom sent me for easter.  We got home before the other elders and waited around the corner of the building.  As they came around the corner they got pelted with confetti eggs, it was way fun! thanks again for the eggs mom!
Canada 1  America 1
President told us to make sure we help them have fun, even pulling pranks, to help Elder Keith break out of his shell, it appears to be working:)
I love you guys, have a great week!!!
Elder Spencer Bailey


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