
Monday, January 12, 2015

1/12/15 | The Weekly

Dear Family!
What a busy week!  I only worked 2 days in my area this week!  On wednesday we had MLC with all the ZL's and STL's and Elder Zwick.  It was really good and inspiring, Elder Zwick is a really good teacher.  Then on Thursday we went on an exchange with a struggling companionship. That was super fun! I got to ride my bike through the crazy streets of Miami.  Then on Friday we had zone conference all day and had to help out another companionship, then we got to work on Saturday.  I'm so exhausted right now!  But after taking a trip to downtown Miami and playing some streetball I should be good to go for the upcoming week:)

We really struggled to find elect YSA this week.  But some miracles still occurred.  We've been working with a LA named Ashley for the past 3 weeks and she finally came to Church and will be coming every week!!  It's so awesome to be able to rescue those who have wandered from the path!  Also at church we were making a final effort to get people to church by calling everyone we had in the planner, and as we were calling our long time investigator Samar came walking in! A member had just went and picked her up, it was a miracle!!

I've been studying this week in Helaman 3 on Sanctification.  In this chapter it talks about the thousands who joined the Church of God and the things they did to strengthen their testimonies.  They did the basics.  They were humble, prayed often, strengthened their faith and these things filled their souls with "joy and consolation."  It purified and sanctified their hearts "which sanctification cometh because of their yielding their hearts unto God." To sanctify means to "make holy or free from sin."  to yield means to "surrender, or give way to force". We must sanctify ourselves and submit our will to His will if we want any growth or change to occur.  That's what we will be focusing on in Zone training to go off of what Elder Zwick mentioned multiple times throughout his training's.  

haha, funny story time.  Yesterday we were rounding up investigators and tried William. He kind of dropped us but he was super elect when we first met with him so we tried one more time to get him to come to Church.  While we were talking with him his little dog came out and was walking around our feet, then all of the sudden Elder Hutchison said, "What!?! Your dog is peeing on me!!" we looked down and Elder Hutchisons shoe and the bottom of his pants were covered in pee.  So William took the dog inside but didn't get a towel or anything, so we asked him again if he would come to church and he said no.  Elder Hutchison wasn't too happy at this point so he said, "come on man, your dog just peed on me, you have to come to church now!"  William still didn't accept but it was super funny:)

I love you guys and hope you have a great week!
Elder Spencer Bailey


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