
Monday, August 11, 2014

8/11/14 | Back to the Basics

Dear Family!

What an amazing week!  We saw so many miracles this week!  The law of compensation is real!
I'd like to focus on the miracles that happened yesterday.  We felt prompted to knock this area that hadn't been knocked in a long time.  We started knocking doors and no one answered but we saw a guy on the street who was smoking, so we went up and OYM'ed him.  We offered to say a prayer with him and he accepted, he had strong desires to stop drinking and to stop smoking. 
After the prayer he said he felt really good, so we shared a little message with him and invited him to be baptized.  He didn't accept right away but we testified even more and he accepted to have us come back on Tuesday to share more of why he can be baptized again.  We asked him if he had any cigarettes or alcohol that we could get from him so that the temptation wasn't there and so he could start to overcome the addiction, he willingly handed over his pack of cigarettes!  

Then as we were walking back we saw a lady bringing in groceries from her car, so we went over and introduced ourselves and asked if we could help her bring her groceries in, she accepted! after we helped her out, we prayed with her, Abigail,  and her mom, Jackie, and they said they felt "wonderful" after the prayer and that they recognized that the Spirit was there, I love it when they recognize the Spirit!  They go on to explain the many different trials and challenges they are going through as a family, and they highlighted a lot of different points of the gospel, so we shared some scriptures and a message with them and invited them to be baptized.  They didn't right away accept but they wanted us to come back to explain more of why they needed to be baptized again.  It was amazing! We will be meeting with them and Carlos on Tuesday, I know that they will feel the Spirit as we share the message of the Restoration and have those desires to be baptized!

We also had 2 random people show up to church! they missed sacrament, so we took them to gospel principles, then during Priesthood we went into a classroom and had a member with us and taught the message of the Restoration, then we had them go to sacrament in the next ward's meeting.  They are so cool, they had the random thought to come to church that morning, the Spirit works in many different ways!

I was also studying in Alma chapter 36-40 and it's when Alma is giving instruction to his sons, there is so much good information in there, I don't have enough time to talk about what I learned from it.  One thing I loved is the repetition of how the Lord works by small and simple means to bring about His great works.  It's through the basics that we become converted to the gospel.  Just like in basketball, you have to practice the fundamentals or the basics everyday if you want to improve.  We need to study the scriptures everyday, something very simple, yet it's one of the basics that overtime will increase our spirituality and strength.

Also we have had random opportunities to serve random people this last week.  It is so true that service is how you find joy!  I love being able to serve others, and it opens up great opportunities to bring in the gospel.

And in other news, we were getting hit on by one of our investigators.  she was 65 years we dropped her.  Her desires weren't in being baptized.  #cougar

That's about all that happened this week, I love you guys and hope you have an excellent week!  
Elder Spencer Bailey


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