
Tuesday, September 2, 2014

9/2/14 | Cabin Fever

Hey Family!!

Well this past week was pretty interesting. Elder D'Addabbo got the flu on Wednesday, so we were stuck at home fromWednesday to Sunday.  On Thurdsday we were able to work out a member split where one of the elders we live with went out with a member and I went with a member and the other elder stayed home with Elder D'Addabbo, so we got one day of work done.  Missionary apartments are super boring!  And our whole week fell apart, Christina decided to wait and be baptized later when she moves to Maine and all our other investigators disappeared and we cant find them.  But we were able to remain positive and faithful.  and Elder D'Addabbo is better now and we were able to get back to work yesterday and we saw an amazing miracle!

We were knocking doors in a complex we've felt like knocking for quite some time now, but we were just finally able to get over there.  We knocked on this one door and a lady answered and after the introduction she said that she was an inactive Mormon.  She had been sealed in the Los Angeles Temple many years ago and was in the Relief Society presidency, but since then she divorced her husband (who is still active in California) and moved to Florida where shortly after she moved in with a boyfriend and has been living with him for 22 years.  We politely asked why she had stopped coming to church and she just explained that she disagreed with some points, but she still knew it was true, she just didn't want to be active.  She invited us inside to talk with her non-member boyfriend who had been to the Temple open house and loved the feeling he felt there.  So we talked about Temples for a bit and offered to bless their home.  They loved the blessing and said they felt the same way they felt when they walked through the Temple.  We invited the boyfriend, Rueban to be baptized and he said that he had been seriously considering it lately especially being baptized in the LDS Church because of it's family standards.  So we testified that Jesus had sent us to him and asked if we could come by on Wednesday to help him prepare to be baptized.  They agreed and we left them a Book of Mormon and a section to read before we go back.  It was an amazing miracle, I've never seen a miracle quite like this the entire time I've been out!

I was reading a talk by President Packer called "washed clean" and it talks about the power of the Atonement and how to become spiritually clean.  He quoted many scriptures of the blessings of becoming clean through Jesus Christ and the good feelings you have when you repent.  I decided that I need to repent more often and constantly be striving to change and become better.  Elder D'Addabbo and I came up with a list of 10 things that we want to be more obedient on every day as a companionship and we each come up with 5 things that we individually want to be more obedient on, we are hanging the lists on the wall so that we remember and we are accountable to one another on how we are doing.  President Packer also shared the quote, "the study of the doctrines of the gospel will improve behavior quicker than talking about behavior will improve behavior." I've decided that I will study a specific doctrine each day during personal study to improve my overall behavior. 

Not much else happened this past week, it was just super nice to be outside again after being stuck in an apt for 4 days:)  We also have  a pond behind our apartment with a lot of fish in it, so after a few days of being super bored I called the Zone Leaders and asked if I was allowed to go fishing if Elder D was outside feeding ducks next to me.  They said that we could. I caught the biggest snapper turtle, it broke my line but I got a picture of it before that happened.  It was about 2 feet long, so that was the highlight of last week while being stuck at home:)
I love you guys!
Elder Spencer Bailey


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