
Monday, August 4, 2014

8/4/14 | The Crash

Dear Family!
This week was really hard, but we kept working hard throughout the week and kept trying to find success.  Our most solid investigators, (Robert, Jen and Nicole) got extremely sick and we haven't been able to come in contact with them for the entire week.  and all our other investigators went MIA.  So it's been rough and were weren't able to find anyone this past week.  But we still have the faith and have great plans to improve this upcoming week.  

One miracle that I saw this week occurred yesterday at church. Over the last few weeks, we have been talking as missionaries in this ward on how to help our ward increase in their activity in helping the missionary work progress.  Yesterday was fast and testimony meeting so we decided to bear our testimonies on missionary work and how every member can be a missionary.  Before we even got up, there were many members who bore their testimony on missionary work, it was amazing!  And then during relief society they had us, missionaries, do a role-play on how to contact people on a daily basis and how to invite them to come to church.  After church it was amazing, there were so many people that wanted to help and many people realized that member missionary work is really easy to do. Hopefully this will continue and we will get a lot of support from the ward now.  

I was studying in Alma, chapters 17-20, which are the stories of Ammon.  As I was studying I wanted to improve on my attitude.  I was reading in Chapter 17 and its where the kings sheep got scattered and the servants were super afraid and lost all faith.  Ammon on the other hand took this as an opportunity to help his fellow brethren.  He says, "be of good cheer", now how could they be of good cheer, they will most likely be killed by the king, so this phrase seems out of place.  it was all in the attitude towards the situation.  Ammon was positive and excited to show forth the power of God.  I decided to follow this example this week by being excited and positive to go out and work each day.  This upcoming week will be really good and we will have a lot of success!

Also on the way home from Ward Correlation last night we crashed on our bikes.  To be honest it was pretty funny and the first time I've crashed on my bike.  A car was pulling out of a driveway, so I started slowing down just like any other time I've had to slow down, but I started slowing down right as we were going through this sandy sidewalk, so next thing I know my bike wasn't underneath me.  Luckily I was able to land just right and slid in the sand, but I ended up running into a spiderweb with my face, my comp wasn't so lucky.  His brakes stopped working so he ran into my bike and went airborne for a while before landing on top of my bike.  The person that was pulling out of their driveway rolled down his window and laughingly asked if we were alright, my comp raised his fist (with his face still in the dirt) and said, "yeah, we're okay."  What a trooper;)  No damage was done, we just got back up and kept doing with a few scrapes and bruises.  

I love you guys and hope you have a great week!  The work will progress this upcoming week for sure!
Elder Spencer Bailey


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