
Friday, September 13, 2013

1st Letter!


Hey Family!  How are you all doing?  These first few days have been really good! My district is made up of 6 elders, 3 going to Las Vegas West and the other 3 to Fort Lauderdale.  They are Elder Smith (Missouri), Elder Brown (Georgia), Elder Kirenko (Mississippi), Elder Melander (Idaho), Elder Taylor (West Jordan UT) and he is also my Companion.  Well the first day is crazy!!!  They literally throw you into missionary work, we had a class and took a orientation.  Then we did group teaching to a investigator with a class of 30+.  That was kinda weird because we all threw in random comments and just confused the investigator, I think they do that on purpose to show that we have no idea how to teach lessons.  The food is great! Except that the meal times are many hours apart so we are all always hungry because they don't allow snacking during class, which is pretty much all day.  Sorry I keep remembering random things so this letter will be very scatter brained.  Yesterday we went through a 3 hour class with our teachers Brother Blatter and Brother Frost, they are both really cool and Bro. Frost is like a Nick or Shandon Gubler kind of guy so he's pretty awesome.  My companion Elder Taylor is awesome, all 5' 5" of him, we kinda stick out since I'm one of the tallest Elders here and I have a short companion, so we get a lot of attention:)  He has really good insights and we get along really well.  Last night we had a meeting with our Branch President where we meet with our zone and introduce each other and bear our testimony.  That was pretty neat, the Spirit is really strong here and is easy to feel.  Elder Taylor and I were made Zone leaders for the whole 10 days we will be here next week!  We will go in action on Sunday when the other Zone leaders are released because they leave on Monday.  Oh yeah, next Tuesday we are being moved to West Campus.  We found out that they are starting to tear down buildings to redo them, so our building happens to be one of the first to go so they are kicking us out.  But it's not that bad, all of the teachers are saying how lucky we are to be able to leave the MTC and live on West Campus because they said the living conditions are better and the food is actually real, not just deep-fried.  So we will see how that works out:) I'm kinda excited now because our zone will be some of the only people in the world who can say they lived on both MTC Campuses.  Oh yeah, so you would think missionaries would be really tired and want to go to bed at 10:30 like we are supposed to, but we found that missionaries get kinda crazy at night because we are sitting all day so some rooms are up till midnight or later goofing off.  My district is luckily obedient so we go to bed on time, expect that Elder Brown takes FOREVER getting ready for bed, the last 2 nights he kept us up till 11:30 because he didn't want the lights turned off till he was ready, so we just sit in bed for an hour waiting for Elder Brown, it's ridiculous!  Well now we have to go to class for the next 6 hours with a little lunch break:)  I don't know when I'll be able to email next because our only p-day is Tuesday and that's when we are supposed to move and go to the Temple and do a million other things, so it'll be crazy!  So that's why I'm emailing today, we got special permission today because we have no idea what our Tuesday schedule will end up being.  Well I miss you guys! Oh yeah I almost forgot!  When I first got here I told Brother Frost that Alyssa was here and going to Philly, so he looked her up and found that she is in my area and her classroom was literally right down the hallway! So we've seen each other a lot! And we have the same meal times too so I see her 2-3 times a day for 30 seconds or so!  And tonight we do TRC, which will be our first teaching experience so we will see how that goes:)
Elder Bailey


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